Supersocks reached out to me to help them build some custom features on their store and how to improve their user experience.
Fully customizable mobile menu
The first challenge was to improve the default mobile menu of the turbo theme, which is very limited, it doesn’t have the ability to add images or to change its structure.

Here is the result that we came up with

Not only does everything has to look good, but also needs to be fully customizable both links and images so it wasn’t something that could be done only with the default navigation menu settings, I had to create a new custom section with blocks to have full control.
Multi purpose slider
This is a simple multi purpose slider that can be used in any page
Order value progress bar
The third feature is a free shipping progress bar that encourages the customers to add at least 25 EUR of order value to unlock free shipping, it doesn’t need the page to refresh to update bar.